The right guidance in all areas: Sustainable, Biophilic, Multifunctional and Climate-proof greenhouses. That is what our customers can count on!

Ferry Breugem, sales manager

Knowledge Based Builder

Many trends and developments emerge in the garden centre sector. Glass constructions should be more resistant to an increasingly erratic climate. Sustainability is something that the government demands and your target group demands. The trend is towards more natural (biophilic) designs, certainly for garden centres. And more and more often a public building unites multiple functions in one. All this requires the vision of a developer and a builder, a role that our company, with 50 years of international experience, is well positioned to fulfil. 

With half a century of international experience, we realise innovative projects around the world with our extensive knowledge and skills.

The construction of your future-proof garden centre is based on four pillars:

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Climate-proof building

We know how we can respond to problems such as a heat wave or heavy rainfall. Optimal climate control requires the right technology. This can even be realized energy-neutral, like at VB, which ranks among the top in the Netherlands in terms of sustainability. Realizing a botanical greenhouse with four climate zones in the desert of Kuwait is also a good example of our expertise.

Zahradni Ferencik breedkap


"Greenhouses" are very innovative buildings that have a minimal ecological footprint. Both in terms of materialization and construction process, greenhouses are enormously "green". There is virtually no waste during production and construction. After a long time, the buildings can be flexibly adapted, moved and are even recyclable. The example of circularity is our pavilion for the World Expo in Milan.


Luchtfoto Jardin dHiverre 1

Biophilic buildings

There is an increasing need for green around us. A glass construction has nature as its source of inspiration. In a glass construction there is 100% awareness of the natural processes. Examples of our Biophilic projects are Jardin d'Hiverre and Planon Innovation Campus.


Interior WHC

Multifunctional building

Give your customers a reason to visit and attract them year-round. Everything is for sale online, distinguishing is important for repeat visits. We can advise you to create the right experience and build a multifunctional glasshouse. This can also be done by a proper renovation or extension. We build the right glass construction for every sector, from a zoo to a knowledge and innovation centre.

Building with detailed knowledge

The various greenhouses that we have realized over the last 50 years are based on detailed knowledge. High-profile projects, like Keukenhof, Floriade and many botanical gardens, makes us a forerunner in building glass constructions, one that optimally knows how innovations can be integrated into futureproof and tailor-made glasshouses.

New developments, projects and innovations

Gotheborg AI botanical greenhouse design 12-09-2024

3,216 m2 Botanical glasshouse (SE)

For the famous Botanical Garden in Gothenburg, Sweden, we are going to build a new visitor centre and associated botanical greenhouses with a total surface area of ​​3,216 m2. This project will be built in two phases. Together with main contractor Peab, we will start the first phase of construction in autumn 2024.

Rooftop glasshouse construction 18-07-2024

Versatile and valuable rooftop glasshouses

You see it more and more often, a rooftop greenhouse with a vegetable garden in it or a restaurant. Interest in rooftop glasshouses is growing rapidly, partly due to lack of space, demand for special bright spaces with the feel of the outdoors and the popularity of local food production in densely populated areas.

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Job alert: Project Manager Engineering

Are you working in glass construction and looking for more challenge? Would you like to work in a close and friendly team with short lines of communication? At Smiemans Projecten B.V., we realise special international projects that challenge you to think further. From sale to completion, you are in charge. Are you the person who answers 'yes' to these questions? Then apply immediately!

LongAcres expansion garden centre Bagshot 24-06-2024

Expansion garden centre LongAcres (UK)

At the beginning of 2025, Smiemans Projecten will expand the popular Longacres garden centre at Bagshot, England, with a larger cold sales area and a more spacious restaurant.

Curious to learn more about the topics above?


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  • Impressions of completed projects
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